(Last updated : 2024-04-19 15:39:45)
  OGAWA Miku
   Department   Osaka University of Economics  Department of International Co-Creativity and Innovation, Faculty of International Co-Creativity and Innovation
   Position   Lecturer
■ Books and Articles
1. 2022/12 Article ケニアの中等学校における新たな不平等。教育の拡大と質の向上のジレンマ   (Single) 
2. 2021/12 Article Inequality in Learning Engagements amid the COVID-19 Pandemic: A Comparative Study of Kenya, Uganda
and Malawi Africa Educational Research Journals, 12, pp.4-18  (Collaboration) 
3. 2021/12 Article The Future of Education Universalisation and Disparities in African Countries Aspiring to Be Middle-Income Countries:
A Comparative Study of Thailand, Kenya, and Uganda Africa Educational Research Journals, 12, pp.19-36  (Collaboration) 
4. 2021/12 Article ナショナルカリキュラムおよび中等教育修了資
格試験にみる格差概念の探索―南アフリカ、ケニア、マダガスカルの比較研究)   (Collaboration) 
5. 2021/10 Article The Role of Low-cost Private Secondary Schools in Rural Kenya Under the ‘Free Secondary Education Policy’ Journal of International and Comparative Education, 10(2), pp.97-115.  (Single) 
Display all(7)
■ Academic background
1. 〔Doctorial Course (2nd Semester)〕, Osaka University, Completed,
■ researchmap Member ID