(Last updated : 2023-02-13 18:03:23)
  IWASA Takuro
   Department   Osaka University of Economics  Department of Information Technology and Social Sciences, Faculty of Information Technology and Social Sciences
   Position   Professor
■ Academic conference presentation
1. 2010 German and European Academic Images of Japan since the 1970s (INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM: MUTUAL PERCEPTIONS IN JAPANESE-GERMAN RELATIONS)
2. 2009 From Homogeneity toward Heterogeneity - on the Japanese Society in European Academic Images (The 31st General Meeting of the Japan Association of Comparative Cultures)
■ Books and Articles
1. 2021/03/31 Book IWASA, Takuro and Guarné, Blai, (2021) “Japanese Studies in Spain: A Growing Academic Field,” Japanese Studies around the World 2020.” International Research Center for Japanese Studies: Kyoto. pp.6-36. Japanese Studies around the World 2020 pp.6-36 (Collaboration) 
2. 2017 Book Mutual Perceptions and Images in Japanese-German Relations, 1860-2010:
Chapter 17. German and European Academic Images of Japan: The "Group Model" and the "Cultural Importer Model" from the 1970s to the 1990s   (Single) 
3. 2018/11 Article <Ariticle> Changing European Academic Images of Japanese Religions Journal of Osaka University of Economics 69(4),pp.143-153 (Single) 
4. 2018/01 Article Changing European Academic Images of the Japanese Economy --Mainly from the 1970s to the 1990s-- Jouranl of Osaka University of Economics 68(5),pp.105-120 (Single) 
5. 2017 Article Debate on "Nihonjinron" in Japanese Studies -in European Academic Images of Japan- Studies in Comparative Culture (125),pp.47-55 (Single) 
Display all(9)
■ Academic background
1. 2002/09~2007/10 〔Doctorial Course〕, Department of History and Civilisation, EUI: European University Institute, Completed, Ph.D. of History and Civilization
2. 2001/08~2002/06 〔Master Course〕, The Institut Européen des Hautes Etudes Internationales (IEHEI), Completed, Master Degree of European and International Studies
3. 1993/08~1994/06 〔Master Course〕, European Institute, Free University of Brussels, Studying abroad
4. 1989/08~1990/06 The History Department, University of Copenhagen, Studying abroad
5. 1987/04~1992/03 Osaka University o Foreign Studies / Department of Danish ans Sweedish Studies, Graduated, Bachelor of Danish ans Sweedish Studies
■ Business career
1. 2021/05~ Osaka University of Economics Faculty of Information Technology and Social Sciences Department of Information Technology and Social Sciences Professor
2. 2012/04~2021/05 Osaka University of Economics Faculty of Information Technology and Social Sciences Department of Information Technology and Social Sciences Associate Professor
3. 2009/04~2011/11 Osaka University of Economics Lecturer
4. 1992/04~2001/04 Panasonic Corporation
■ Main Subject
European Studies / The Comparative Studies of Civilizations / International Societies / International Cultures
■ Results on duty
● Other note that should be mentioned specially on duty
1. 2022/05/01~ A member of the commitee on Human Rights
■ Activity in society
1. 1990/11 Interpreter for the Queen Margrethe Ⅱ of Demark
■ Research topic, funded research, and department laboratory expense
1.   Comparative Study of Civilisaztion and Cultures between Europe and Japan, Study of Understandings of Different Cultures and Images  (Key Word : Comparative Study of Civilisaztion and Cultures between Europe and Japan, Study of Understandings of Different Cultures, Study of Images)
■ Lecturer and lecture
1. 2019/11 Okinawans as a Major Immigration and as a Japanese Minority (スペイン バルセロナ)
■ Present specialized field
Area studies (Key Word:European Studies, Comparative Studies of Civilizations and Cultures between Europe and Japan, Images of Foreign Cultures)