    (Last updated : 2024-07-26 10:07:23)
  JO Tatsuya
   Department   Osaka University of Economics  Department of Human Sciences, Faculty of Human Sciences
   Position   Professor
■ Image
■ Books and Articles
1. 2001/03 Book Freiheit und Sinn ---- Im Nachkriegsdeutschland stattfindender Wechsel der Gesellschaftsanschauung   (Single) 
2. 2004/02 Book Krieg im Nachkriegsjapan   (Collaboration) 
3. 2005/01 Book Wiederaufbau der Identitaet und Gemeinschaftlichkeit   (Collaboration) 
4. 2005/10 Book Neue Entwicklung des Humanitaetsfaches   (Collaboration) 
5. 2009/09 Book Der Schrei der zurueckbleibenden Waisenkinder Chinas   (Collaboration) 
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■ Business career
1. 2005/06~ Osaka University of Economics Faculty of Human Sciences Department of Human Sciences Professor
2. 2003/04~2005/05 Osaka University of Economics Faculty of Human Sciences Department of Human Sciences Associate Professor
■ Research topic, funded research, and department laboratory expense
1. 1995  Study on the Social Norm in Modern Germany  (Key Word : The educated class,Autonomy,Sexual Morality)
2. 1990  Study on the History of Science and Intellectuals in Modern Germany  (Key Word : Science,Intellectuals,University)
3. 1988  Study on the History of Sociological Ideas in the Federal Republic of Germany  (Key Word : German Sociology,Habermas,Gehlen)
■ E-Mail Address
■ Present specialized field
History of thought, Sociology (Key Word:History of Ideas)