(Last updated : 2024-05-27 11:25:56)
  UEMIYA Tomoyuki
   Department   Osaka University of Economics  Department of Economics, Faculty of Economics
   Position   Associate Professor
■ Academic conference presentation
1. 2024/05/26 On the Role of HET, and Utilization of New Digital Materials in HET Research (JSHET 2024 (88th) Conference)
2. 2018/08/31 A Hidden Aspect of the Economic Journal: Foxwell's mediation between British and Japanese Economists in the 1890s (The 50th Conference, The History of Economic Thought Society)
3. 2009 F.Y. Edgeworth's Mathematical Psychics and his Utilitarianism: The Derivation from the 'Sidgwick-Barratt Controversy' (Young Scholars Seminar 2009, The Japanese Society for the History of Economic Thought)
■ Books and Articles
1. 2022/07/25 Other Book Review: Ivan Moscati, Measuring Utility: From the Marginal Revolution to Behavioral Economics, New York: Oxford University Press, 2019, vii+326 pp. 経済学史研究 64(1),pp.77-78 (Single) 
2. 2015/09 Article F.Y. Edgeworth's War Pamphlets during World War I  pp.181-206 (Single) 
3. 2013/09 Article F.Y. Edgeworth and his Discussions on Women's Wages  pp.101-124 (Single) 
4. 2013/03 Article Jevons, as an Economist in the Classical Tradition  pp.25-51 (Single) 
5. 2010 Article Book Review: Daisuke Nakai(2009), Utilitarianism and Economics: The Scope of Sidgwick's Practical Philosophy  pp.129-131 (Single) 
Display all(10)
■ Academic background
1. 2012/01~2012/05 〔Doctorial Course (2nd Semester)〕, Graduate School, Division of Economics, Kwansei Gakuin University, Completed,
■ Business career
1. 2013/02~ Osaka University of Economics Faculty of Economics Department of Economics Associate Professor
2. 2010/04~2013/02 Osaka University of Economics Faculty of Economics Department of Economics Lecturer
■ Belonging society
1. 2002/06~ The Japanese Society for the History of Economic ThoughtLink
2. 2010~ Japanese Society for British PhilosophyLink
3. 2011/07~ The Malthus SocietyLink
4. 2019/05~ The Society for the History of Japanese Economic ThoughtLink
■ E-Mail Address
■ Present specialized field
Economic doctrines and economic thought (Key Word:History of Economic Thought, Edgeworth, Utilitarianism, Methodology of Economics, History of Japanese Economic Thought)